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Game Programmer

Wong Wee Meng

Lost Signal(JavaScript/C#)

Lost signal is a FPS shooting game that involved the cooperation of 2 players. It revolved around 2 survivor soldiers trying to inserting batteries into the power plant which send a anti zombie radioactive wave that annhilate all zombies.
Duo Programmer project. Programmed the core mechanic of the game.
Program the AI movement and physics of the game.
Balanced player and AI health, attack, speed.
Kuek Wei Ming (Programmer)



This code controls the special ability for player 1. When Q is pressed, player spawn a decoy infront of him, drawing enemy attention.

This code controls the collision detection between the bullet and the enemy. When the enemy died, there might be possibility of any three powerup spawn.
This code controls the special ability for player 2. When E is pressed, a portal appear at player location. If E is pressed again, player teleport back to the portal.

Download the game from Googledrive

Contact: 9820-1422
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